Thursday, February 24, 2011

Crossing the street and nailing the crow

Thursday (and Tuesday) are yoga days.... let me set the record straight I have never really done yoga. Oh how I tried to like yoga a number of times but alas nothing, no love for the sport. But my arrival in India sees me trying again and whether it's the polluted air or lack of other activities at the moment I am quite enjoying it and it's really hard. I have had three classes so far and I have managed to perform with varying degrees of success the headstand, shoulder stand, dolphin, eagle and other various creatures. My favourite and perhaps most complex so far is the Crow and it has me a little beaten.

The Crow: OK so here goes (apologies to yoga people)..... bend down, feet in a V with heels touching, knees splayed out to the side. Elbows rest on the inside of your knees (in the crease) and hands press against each other. When ready move hands to the floor so there's a straight line between elbow and wrist and lift your feet off the floor and balance on your hands. Bum confidently in the air. I have managed to take my feet off the floor for a peca-second and my bum swings around about to topple my centre of gravity at any time. It ain't elegant.... and I am sure I am the 'butt' of a few dying crow gags. I will continue to try but it's getting a little embarrassing!

So I took my butt home and in the afternoon my activity was to cross a Delhi street. I took S for a walk to a fancy retail precinct and this involved crossing two streets. This was scary.... not alot of people go for strolls here or take a pram on one. I discovered this as the curb is about a foot high and getting S onto the footpath before a auto rickshaw cleans us up is touch and go plus we got plenty of stares from passing traffic! We did manage to cross all roads successfully, four in total, there and back. However it nearly involved an accident..... A man riding a bicycle with his wife perched perilously on the back thought we were quite the novelty. He couldn't stop staring at us but kept riding forward, getting further away from us but turning around and pointing us out to his wife. Forward he rode, head twisted backwards..... zigzagging all over the place! In front of cars, taxi's, buses...... almost on the other side of the road (which wouldn't have been too unusual) everyone honking, him swaying and near chaos until he was almost out of sight and decided to focus back on the road. Thankfully no injury, just a huge smile from the man on the bike.

Tonight more weddings nearby.... more very loud fireworks.... boooom.......goodnight x 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


In the wee early hours of Valentines Day (much to T's relief) S and I arrived at Delhi airport after a long 14 hour flight. All things considered it went quite well...... as well as travelling with an 8 month old can go.

After a bit of sleep I woke up in my brand new place and am really happy with it. Its great, pretty happy with the set up.

Since we got up here a bit has been going on. I have started yoga twice a week (of course) and even had a hit of tennis on Sunday.

First social activity (bravely) Thursday night I met a few of the other expat folk when I went to a market at another lady's place. It was lovely, over wine and nibbles we shopped. I bought a couple of shawls (as I have nothing warm up here and it's quite cold) and some stones (aquamarine and topaz) to make up some jewellery. Apparently they host these markets a bit so looking forward to the next one where I plan on taking a bit more money.

Saturday, the family headed off to check out one of Delhi's new malls. It was huge but did need a little something. We travelled to the one in Gurgeon (a bit of a trek) and don't think we'll be making that trip again as there are shopping spots closer. In the arvo, we all went to Khan market - one of the flashest of all Delhi markets although may not appear so on first glance. So much stuff to buy but held myself back, gorgeous homewares, cushions, throws, candles etc..... really lovely (expensive) stuff. I was to repeat my visit without little Miss  on Tuesday!

Saturday night T and I left S at home and went to Olive Beach restaurant for dinner. It was fantastic, although I am slightly embarrassed to tell you it's a Mediterranean restaurant. I will write about the food in a separate blog post as it deserves it. But, in short, over a lovely bottle of wine we had a fantasticfirst night out in Delhi. Please note we have been eating stacks of Indian food at home and it's been delicious!

Sunday - another outing. T and I went to Lodi Colony Main Market where there are a couple of boutique clothes stores. Some of the clothes a bit garish for my taste, others could convince me in a few months..... I am so used to Melbourne black fluro pink is proving difficult to swallow. We then had lunch at Ploof deli on their roof terrace which was great. Really lovely food and found that they also stock deli meats if we get the urge.

Following lunch we went back to real Delhi and did some shopping at Basant Lok (Mum this is the shopping place next to where we stayed last time we were here). It's a 'bit' rundown but has a couple of good supermarkets where we stocked up on household supplies. Have to say the visit to the supermarkets can be a bit tough, hit square in the face with the poorest of the poor with three or four kids huddled around their ankles. Anyone in Smith St thinks they have it tough should try it over here!

Other activities in my first week - a trip to Sarojini market with my housekeeper to buy groceries, sitting back with S checking out the peacocks, peahens, squirrels and birds playing around in the garden, eating our housekeepers delicious curries and trying to get my phone to work (a week long activity).

Until next time (when we finally get a computer)....